Being Positive About England


Our Right to fly our English flag.

It is a well known fact that since 1997, there has been a marked increase in anti-Englishness, supported by Political Correctness and possibly positive discrimination. There has been an overwhelming occurances of appeasement to minority interests that have seen an unwarranted attack on the English peoples as a people and their right to fly their country's flag, the flag of England, or the St. George's Flag.

Also as a result of protest groups of various kinds that have allegedly highjacked the English flag for their own ends, many ordinary English men and women, who are not racist, Islamophobic or homophobic etc., (90% of the English people), have been told that they cannot fly the flag of England, because it:

1: May cause offence to others.

2: That someone (usually unknown), have claimed they are offended.

3: That the person flying the flag of England is racist, Islamophobic or homophobic, when they are not.

All of which have caused various English men and women to take down the England flag when they should not have had to do so.

It is for this and other reasons that I have had published a government e-petition to protect the English people's right to fly the English flag without penalty and the need to ask permission first. The e-petition text is given below, with the link to the e-petition given below that.

I wish to petition the British Government to protect the right of the English people to bear the colours of their country, England, in whatever form they so desire, be it flag, banner, shield, etc., that tastefully and respectfully promotes England and the English people, on their homes, their vehicles (private or business), upon their persons, etc., etc. In short anywhere, without penalty of any kind whatsoever, and without first requiring permission to do so. That any unsubstantiated or anonymous accusations of offence or any assumption or presumption of offence caused by such usage be totally ignored and shall not be acted upon. That any official complaint of offence caused by anyone, must be either settled out of court on the principle that a person has the right to face their accusers and mediate. On failing this, that such accusations must be tested in a court of law, before any other action is taken. On the basis that a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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