Being Positive About England


Declaration of Independence of the People of England.


It must now be noticed by many English people that being part of the UK is no longer beneficial to England and the English people. Many things have happened to support this view. People being told to take down the English flag because it might " offend someone ". Politicians saying, "There's no such thing as the English", " The English are to violent to govern themselves", many officials appeasing minorities so that their rights become more important than the rights of the English people. Sharia law being practiced in England, Sharia councils dispencing legal decisions instead of adhereing to English/British law. These and many more things are taking place not only to challenge our customs and traditions, but threaten the very existance of the English people and their culture.

Faced with these and other threats should the English people put up with this? Or should the English people stand up and be counted in saying, "That's enough, no more."

If you feel this way, or feel that England's future lies in independence, then download the Declaration of Independence of the People of England and read it. If you agree with it, go to the pole who's link is to your right and say yes to support the Declaration of Independence of the English People. If you disagree select the other option.

It's time the voice of the English people is heard.

Below is a copy of the Declaration of Independence of the People of England. Download it and read it. If you agree with it or not as the case may be, make your choice at the link below.

English Declaration of Independence.pdf English Declaration of Independence.pdf
Size : 19.35 Kb
Type : pdf

Below is a PDF version of the English Constitution that includes the Declaration of Independence of the People of England. 

The English Constitution 2012.pdf The English Constitution 2012.pdf
Size : 549.271 Kb
Type : pdf

Click on the link below to decide if you support the Declaration of Independence of the People of England  or not as the case may be.

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