Being Positive About England


 King Edmund's Cross, a limited provenance.

The following pictures of an Anglo_Saxon coin in the gallery on your right, are the only source of an emblem associated with King Edmund. It is not shown on any other coin of the 9th century or earlier, or associated with any other Anglo_Saxon king. It is not a commemorative coin as produced later by the Vikings. It is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary,  from the period of King Edmund's life, 855 AD to 869-70 AD. And it has his name on it. The websites you can view these are given below.

St. Edmund's flag and shield.

The gallery to your right is a gallery of designs that I put together based on St. Edmund's coin emblem. I will now promote this design, as it is the only design that I will use that has support of archeaological evidence. I include the use of a wolf, as it is pertinent to St. Edmund's miracles and cannonisation. It also represents St. Edmund's heritage as he is a descendent of the Wuffingas dynasty, Wuffingas means 'wolf-people' or 'wolflings'. 

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